SDG Quality Education
SDG Gender Equality
SDG Clean Water and Sanitation
Affordable and Clean Energy Vector
SDG Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG Industry Innovation and Infastructure
SDG Reduced Inequalities
SDG Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG Responsible Consumption and Production
SDG Climate Action
SDG Life Below Water
SDG Life On Land
SDG Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
SDG Partnerships For The Goals

Our Services

We run Biomass-Based tri-generation utillity plants,

we are Carbon-positve

‘Green’ Steam

We're India's leading supplier of steam, fueled exclusively ​by nature. Our boilers run on a sustainable mix of biomass, ​municipal waste, and forest residue. We've built a robust ​system with backup boilers, smart fuel handling, and ​critical spare parts to ensure uninterrupted steam supply ​year-round.

Every drop of steam is precious. That’s why we treat our ​emissions responsibly and deliver steam through high-​grade insulated pipes. Our IoT-powered system guarantees ​precise control over steam pressure, temperature, and flow ​at your end.

20+ km

Steam pipeline

Green Steam

from Biomass

24x7 supply,


Boiler Operation & ​Management

We introduced India to the BOOT model, transforming the ​way industries approach utilities. Our core expertise lies in ​operating biomass-powered boilers. We handle every ​aspect, from securing sustainable fuel to maintaining peak ​performance, ensuring a steady steam supply.

For larger operations, we offer end-to-end solutions, ​designing, building, and managing your utility ​infrastructure. Once established, you have the flexibility to ​own it.

Our experience has shown that businesses thrive when they ​can focus on their core competencies. By entrusting their ​utilities to us, they gain the freedom to innovate while ​maintaining control.

Feedback from our clients has highlighted the importance ​of flexibility and ownership.

Executed 16 projects

on B.O.O.T

‘Heat Energy’ through ​thermic fluids

We're redefining industrial heat solutions with our tailored ​thermic fluid systems. Using a variety of fluids and ​temperatures, we precisely meet your needs. Our patented ​technology, backed by IoT and AI, ensures optimal heat ​delivery and control.

Fueled exclusively by biomass and other renewables, our ​eco-friendly approach heats your operations efficiently. ​The thermic fluid is safely contained in insulated steel ​pipelines, guaranteeing reliable and secure heat transfer.

Currently, we're refining our system within a 5km radius. ​Soon, we'll expand to bring this innovative solution to ​industries across the nation.

Illustration of Thermometer

Green Heat

using Biomass

Variation of less than ​0.5°C.

Treated Water ( Chilled, ​Distilled, DM, UWP)

We deliver precision water solutions: chilled water at 5°C, ​battery-grade distilled water, and ultra-pure ​deionized/demineralized water.



5'c Chilled


